Claude Lévi-Strauss

Do mito grego ao mito ameríndio

Social and Cultural Anthropology / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Mitologia / Antropología Social

Entre Proudhon, Lévi-Strauss e Além - Anarquismo proto-estruturalista e dualismo perspectivo

Anthropology / Anarchism / Anarchist Studies / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Pierre-Joseph Proudhon / Antropología Anarquista / Xavante / Anarquismo / Dialética / Antropología Anarquista / Xavante / Anarquismo / Dialética

Luz baixa sob neblina: por uma antropologia das oscilações em Claude Lévi-Strauss

Anthropology / Mythology / Ethnology / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Post-Structuralism

Devaneios de investigação metapoética

Gaston Bachelard / Claude Lévi-Strauss


Bakhtin / Walter Benjamin / Jacques Derrida / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Tradução

O que Lévi-Strauss deve aos Ameríndios / What Levi-Strauss owes to the Amerindians /

Anthropology / Historical Anthropology / Visual Anthropology / Social Anthropology / Philosophical Anthropology / Ethnobotany / Ethnomusicology / Ethnography / Linguistic Anthropology / Documentary (Film Studies) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Anthropology of the Body / Anthropology Of Art / Ethnology / Ethnography (Research Methodology) / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Documentary Film / Cultural Anthropology / Documentary Filmmaking / Amerindian Perspectivism / Anthropology of Religion / Perspectivismo Amerindio / Ethnobotany / Ethnomusicology / Ethnography / Linguistic Anthropology / Documentary (Film Studies) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Anthropology of the Body / Anthropology Of Art / Ethnology / Ethnography (Research Methodology) / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Documentary Film / Cultural Anthropology / Documentary Filmmaking / Amerindian Perspectivism / Anthropology of Religion / Perspectivismo Amerindio

E, no entanto, o sujeito: estrutura e estruturalismo em Lacan

Jacques Lacan / Structuralism/Post-Structuralism / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Jakobson, Roman / Estruturalismo / Koyré

Entrevista com Carlo Severi - Cadernos de Campo

Religion / Anthropology / Translation Studies / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Ritual / Ethnology / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Ritual (Anthropology) / Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion) / Ritual Theory / Translation / Amerindian Perspectivism / Mithology / Ritual Practices / Xamanismo / Kuna Ethnography / Struturalism / Ritual / Ethnology / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Ritual (Anthropology) / Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion) / Ritual Theory / Translation / Amerindian Perspectivism / Mithology / Ritual Practices / Xamanismo / Kuna Ethnography / Struturalism

Dentro e fora da história: a distinção teórica entre sociedades quentes e frias no pensamento de Claude Lévi-Strauss

Theory of History / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Historia Intelectual / Teoria e metodologia da história

O olhar de Claude Lévi-Strauss sobre as ciências

History of Science / Claude Lévi-Strauss / História e filosofia das ciências / Anthropological Theory

Sebag e noi. Note a \"Marxismo e strutturalismo\"

Marxism / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Structural Anthropology

Programa Disciplina (Pós-História Social/USP): \"FALAR DO TEMPO: diálogos entre história e antropologia\"

Intellectual History / Historiography / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Fernand Braudel / François Hartog

Brésilien noir et crasseux - Brazuca negão e sebento

Gilles Deleuze / Claude Lévi-Strauss / Spinoza / Paulo Leminski / Clarice Lispector / Pierre Clastres / Oswald de Andrade / Pierre Clastres / Oswald de Andrade

Antropologia Estrutural e História - Tensões e Repercussões [Ementa disciplina Pós História Social USP]

History / Intellectual History / Anthropology / History of Ideas / Historiography / Jean Paul Sartre / Claude Lévi-Strauss / History of Historiography / Fernand Braudel / Historia Intelectual / Antropología / Teoria da História / Jean Paul Sartre / Claude Lévi-Strauss / History of Historiography / Fernand Braudel / Historia Intelectual / Antropología / Teoria da História
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